Hayabusa Fishing embraces all types of digital media as a tool for communicating with current customers, prospective customers, fishing enthusiasts, and individuals wanting to learn more about fishing. Our elite Japanese fishing hooks and terminal tackle components make fishing easier and we use fishing videos to communicate how and why. Hayabusa Fishing is the #1 selling bass fishing hook in Japan – and for good reason! No other fishing hook company strives to manufacture such a versatile and durable line up of freshwater fishing hooks and saltwater fishing hooks that exceed global consumer expectations consistently. Our bass fishing hooks, especially, demonstrate the premium craftsmanship used to introduce the next level of innovation.
Hayabusa Fishing videos aim to inform and entertain our current and prospective customers. We recognize that some anglers may be unfamiliar with the Hayabusa Fishing brand and these videos serve as an introduction to our uniquely designed, innovative fishing hooks. Our professional staff anglers have experience with Hayabusa Fishing products, so many of these videos feature our trusted professional fishermen discussing how our products work and how our products improve their ability to perform at a high level. By watching the videos below, fishing enthusiasts will understand why The Hayabusa Fishing Advantage means consistently catching more fish and better fish!