Tackle Warehouse Exclusive Reins – Black TG Worm/Flip/Punch Sinkers


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TG Slip Sinker
1/16oz (1.8g) – 5 per pack
3/32oz (2.7g) – 5 per pack
1/8oz (3.5g) – 4 per pack
3/16oz (5.3g) – 4 per pack
1/4oz (7.0g) – 3 per pack
5/16oz (8.8g) – 3 per pack
3/8oz (10.5g) – 2 per pack
7/16oz (12.3g) – 2 per pack

TG Slip Sinker “Heavy Weight”
1/2oz (14g) – 2 per pack
5/8oz (17g) – 2 per pack
3/4oz (21g) – 1 per pack
1 oz (28g) – 1 per pack

TG Slip Sinker “Super Heavy Weight”
1.2oz (33.6g) – 1 per pack
1.5z (42g) – 1 per pack
2oz (56g) – 1 per pack
2.5oz (70g) – 1 per pack

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: RNTGSSBLK Categories: ,


Japan’s top tungsten company is now in the USA. Reins offers you the widest range of sizes in slip sinkers. From the small 1/16 oz to our massive 2.5 oz, nobody delivers as many different options in slip sinkers. Reins tungsten slip sinkers give you the ultimate performance with a specific gravity of 18.2, each sinker is 40% smaller than its lead counterpart. Reins slip sinkers are made up of 95% tungsten and 5% nickle alloy making them 1.8 times as dense as lead and environmentally safe. The unique shapes provide less hang-ups on bottom structures with increased sensitivity which equals less drag on your line. If you have trouble feeling a bite, then you need to switch to Reins tungsten sinkers. Reins utilizes a inner core system to keep your line from being abraded, nobody wants to lose a big fish because their line was worn from the sinker.

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